OralEye helps to bring the world of dentistry online by providing virtual checkups for patients.
Founded in 2013, OralEye currently has more than 200 dentists working across 50 states in the USA. The app allows dentists to check their virtual waiting room and provide efficient consultations to patients letting them know how to better maintain their oral health and when they should next see their dentist in person.
The company provides free iPhone & Android Apps for members of dental plans to submit high quality photos, dental, medical and social history forms and their presenting compliant to a remote dentist for assessment. Dentists return a data-rich report highlighing any concerns for the patient and providing a baseline from which oral health can be improved over time.
SilverCloud provides online programs for persons with mental health and co-morbid medical conditions such as diabetes, CHD and chronic pain.
Behavioural health is core to total health. SilverCloud provide accessible, scalable, digital behavioral healthcare.
With over 15 years of academic and clinical research, SilverCloud is the industry leader in internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy solutions. SilverCloud has received numerous awards and has been recognized many times for being an innovator in its space.